Sign in

Go to your account page. If you are not signed in yet, you will be prompted to sign in.

Sign in Page.

Get API key

In the Your Account section, you can see details about your account. Scroll down to see the section titled API Keys. The string of numbers and letters is your API key! Click it to copy it to your clipboard.

API Key.

If you want to generate a new API key, the New API key will add another key to your account. Account limits apply across all your keys.


You can also get to the accounts page from If you are not signed in, your window will show a SIGN IN button in the top right corner. Click that button to go to the sign in page.

Not signed in page.

Follow the subsequent sign-in instructions.

Go to profile

Once signed in, your window will display a profile icon in the top right corner.

Now signed in.

Hover over the profile and click account.

Profile section.

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